Arpeggios (the basics)

Arpeggios are invaluable for both rhythm and lead guitar.

We explain what they are, when to use them, where to find them, how to play them and how to practise them to best effect.


What will we be covering?

This is the first of two lessons covering arpeggios. In this lesson we’ll look at the basics:

  • What are they and why use them?
  • Where are they and when do we use them to best effect?
  • How to practise them properly and effectively and play them into your playing?

We play chords as part of the rhythm section and scales as part of lead guitar. Arpeggios span both areas when we pick out particular notes of the chord (arpeggiating) in a rhythmic way and use arpeggio patterns to embellish your melody/solo playing; especially when we play a chord that doesn’t belong to the key e.g. we slot and A7 in amongst C, F and G in C major!

In lesson 2 we’ll be exploring what happens when we play the arpeggio of one chord over another another different chord i.e. superimposed. This is a creative and colourful way to use them. Check out the schedule for details.


Who’s this session suitable for?

Intermediate acoustic and electric guitar players.

You should be familiar with how chords are built and which chords are diatonic i.e. which chords sit comfortably in a particular key. For the key of C major the C, F and G chords are the major I, IV and V chords with Dm, Em and Am being the minor ii, iii and vi chords (let’s ignore the Bdim or vii chord). If you’re not sure about this then get in touch and we’ll send you an information sheet about it.

Earlier I mentioned adding in an A7 chord to C, F and G; it’s Am and not an A7 in the key of C major. The A7 is from outside the key – arpeggio time!



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The session is 60 minutes long; don’t expect to master everything during the session. The tutor will go through all the key parts, demonstrating them and discussing the associated techniques and know-how.


Booking a place and buying options

When you book you’ll have two options:

1. You want to join the live Zoom session.

You’ll receive the joining instructions on the day. Being live, you’ll be able to put your own questions directly to the tutor during the session. Choose option 1, Live session and materials.

2. Maybe you’d like to attend but can’t make it on this occasion?

You can buy the materials and receive them after the session (i.e. lesson PDF(s) and access to a Zoom recording of the live session). Choose option 2, Materials only.

These sessions are most suitable for intermediate players (i.e. maybe some barre chords, a tad of music theory/knowledge, etc.). But lightbulbs will be flashing for players of all standards as you pick up some great ideas and approaches.

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    1. Lesson and materials
    2. Materials only

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