Chords are the lifeblood of guitar? Maximing our chord vocabulary is an ongoing and essential activity for all guitarists (of any level). The more we know, and are able to use, the better. We look at interesting versions of chords and progressions that you might already know (and some you might not!).
Understanding and playing chords around the neck is a wonderful and elemental skill to have for guitar. Chords are the lifeblood for guitar.
A chord can have many different shapes all over the neck. Their structure is usually based around, or related to, the CAGED system.
A chord can have inversions, various fingerings, straddling mulitple string sets in many positions. It’s a case of horses for courses, and personal taste, when applying them to songs.
Embedding or adding an out of key note to a standard chord can create some interesting sounds. We could have chromatic movement with a chord progression, or a moving bassline or contrary motion, or … it’s endless. Finding a gorgeous chord is a delight whether by accident or design. If it sounds nice then it’s fine.
Using chords that slot together nicely (and sometimes clashingly) can sound sublime. Make use of versions that allow easy movement within a progression. Add to and embellish your chord vocabulary.
How many ways can you play a I, vi, ii, V?
We look at different chords and versions of chords you might know already. Add them into you bag of tricks and play them into your songs.
Intermediate acoustic and electric guitar players.
No doubt there will be some open position chords and so Beginner+ players should get something out of the session.
A good guideline is that you should be able to play a 12 bar blues in Bb (i.e. using barre chords)
A basic understanding of how chords are built would definitely help.
Get in contact in you need any prep sheets for either chord theory or Blues in Bb.
You’ll receive any lesson PDF(s) just before the session and we’ll make a Zoom recording of the live lesson available to you afterwards.
The session is 60 minutes long; don’t expect to master everything during the session. The tutor will go through all the key parts, demonstrating them and discussing the associated techniques and know-how.
The real work is done by you afterwards. Armed with the materials (PDFs and video recording), you’ll have all the tools to work on things at your own pace.
When you book you’ll have two options:
1. You want to join the live Zoom session.
You’ll receive the joining instructions on the day. Being live, you’ll be able to put your own questions directly to the tutor during the session. Choose option 1, Live session and materials.
2. Maybe you’d like to attend but can’t make it on this occasion?
You can buy the materials and receive them after the session (i.e. lesson PDF(s) and access to a Zoom recording of the live session). Choose option 2, Materials only.
These sessions are most suitable for intermediate players (i.e. maybe some barre chords, a tad of music theory/knowledge, etc.). But lightbulbs will be flashing for players of all standards as you pick up some great ideas and approaches.