Come along and ‘hang out’ with our bass guitar tutor, Keith Peberdy. We’ll be discussing learning, playing and enjoying bass guitar as well as a wealth of subjects across music in general. It’s an open forum for asking Keith questions, checking issues with your playing technique, gaps in musical knowledge that’s worrying you and generally listening to your suggestions. Best of all it’s FREE.
This is a chat with Keith Peberdy our bass guitar tutor. As Keith pointed out to me, “The Bass ‘Hang’ is an open session that’s very much for the players. Whilst I will have things that I want to talk about and show, it’s success largely relies on the players’ input. What do you want to know/learn/ask? If you find it beneficial, we’ll make it more of a regular thing.”
So this session is open to one-and-all; guitarists and bass players alike. Come along and join in. It’ll cover a wide range of subjects (driven by the group as well as Keith); subects such as:
We’ll also be asking for your suggestions of other courses that we can schedule in later in the year whether they be:
Your input and contribution is important
Ask a question or offer a suggestion by:
We’ll have the opportunity to feed course ideas into the schedule for the second half of the year.
More information of subjects closer to the session date.
We have some face-to-face courses coming up:
20 May Bass Guitar Boot Camp Day-Only, non-residential, Coventry, Midlands
21-23 July Blue Bass Jamboree Weekend Break, residential, Scotch Corner, Yorkshire
The Jamboree is a special weekend: lots of learning, playing and have some fun but culiminating in a performance Sunday with a professional rhythm section (guitar, bass, drums). It’s all optional but you can join the band up front with songs you like to play. Fantastic experience to be working in a pro environment – they’ll be nice to us!
Anyone is welcome to join the session; bass and guitar players alike.
You can only join live with this session. No materials are promised formally and the video recording of the session will only be made available to those who join in live. You’ll receive the joining instructions on the day.