Introduction to fingerpicking the Blues

The lesson explores playing the Blues using fingerpicking. When someone says “you play guitar, give us a tune”, playing the Blues is a cool way to respond. Pick up your guitar and just play!


We’ll kick off with a review of basic fingerpicking technique but the primary focus is having the fundamentals of the Blues under your fingers e.g. 12 bar form, the shuffle rhythm feel, nice intros, turnarounds and endings, useful voicing of dominant chords and little licks to intersperse into the 12 bar.

The lesson is not about teaching a specific song per se but we’ll undoubtedly re-purpose staple riffs, licks and chord progressions from the ‘greats’. It is more about giving you interchangeable musical components that your can bolt together yourself and play a self-contained Blues tune.


Detailed PDFs for all aspects covered.


Course suitability
Beginner+ to intermediate levels for both acoustic and electric guitar players. No barre chords in this one unless we consider how to transpose the component parts to other keys.

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