An introduction to substituting, and adding in, more colourful chords to your songs but also understanding where they come from and why they work and how they’re named e.g. Csus2, Cadd9, Cmaj9, C9, C7#9. Knowing more chords and where they can fit in is essential knowledge. We have a Part 2 for this subject – it takes the know-how learned on this lesson and applies it to complete pieces; Part 2 will be published soon.
If you’re a rhythm player and like to make your playing more interesting and varied this course ticks the boxes. We look at how chords are built and named, when and how substitutes and extensions can be used and venture into the wonderful area of chord progressions and how you can avoid strumming the same chord over multiple bars.
We have this subject covered in two related, but separate, parts.
This lesson is part 1. and we using example progressions to demonstrate all of the above.
In part 2 we take all of the key learnings of this lesson and apply them to complete peices: re-harmonisation of gospel blues classic, building a cool chordal accompaniment for a melody line and, if time allows, an intermediate level 12 bar Blues. Check it out.
Course level: The course is suitable for beginner+ and above acoustic and electric guitar players alike.
Materials provided: Prep sheets are available along with comprehensive lesson PDFs and TABs followed with detailed home practice video examples of all sections/exercises.
What’s it like on a course?
The bulk of each lesson is obviously the teaching (usually with a minimum number of questions taken along the way) but we dedicate the end slot for Q&A. Being online means that players can elect to either have total privacy with their mic mute and video disabled or switch them on and join in with questions or even work along with the tutor. The lessons, over and above the outlined specific subjects, try to give you the tools for self-improvement.
A quick note about the materials
We’ve always recognised that the real work takes place after a course and that’s why we pay special attention to the materials in order to help with home practice. The earlier you book, the earlier you get access to the core materials.
Course suitability in general
Check out our guide to player levels v course categories. The course is online and materials are provided and so it might still be useful for players who consider themselves below the required standard.
Overall objectives and a reality check
Yes – our courses are there to look at the advertised subject matter but we also like to challenge players and give you great techniques and practical theory/know-how to work on in your own time. Don’t expect to completely nail a whole song or to be able to fully in command of all techniques or understand every bit of practical theory on the course; it’s fantastic if you can but be patient and work diligently through the material at home. Apologies to anyone who hates the use of above split infinitives!
Call us for a chat at any time
Whatever level you are, you’ll have lots of takeaways to work on later. If you’d like to go through the course please call or email.