This session is one of our Music Corner series with Jamie McCredie.
Generally we run them weekly as one hour drop-ins delving into a broad range of subjects relating to technique, theory, know-how, practice or something topical in the guitar world. This session looks at the enigma that is the Circle of 5ths and 4ths – what is it?
We’ve all seen, or at least glimpsed, that famous diagram which is usually called the Circle of 5ths.
We discuss 4ths as well and explore what the circle is and how it has been derived. In later sessions we’ll go into the many, many applications of knowing this circle’s order of notes.
Overview about our series of Music Corners
These weekly one hour sessions are designed to give us the tools to self-improve and widen our knowledge in the following general areas: rhythm, reading music, improvising, understanding music theory, getting good tone, how to play a solo, how to play with a group, how to develop your ear, learning the rules of music through transcribing the history of a genre. Our tutor, Jamie McCredie, will share key things he has learned over years that have helped to make him the professional guitarist and musician he is today.
Relevant materials will be available for each session.
Session suitability
This lesson is suitable for average-and-above players but you should a couple of the pentatonic patterns. Barre chords might be used. Remember that most levels will take away some nuggets from these short sessions to look at and work on later.
Call us for a chat at any time
Whatever level you are, you’ll have lots of takeaways to work on later. If you’d like to go through the course please call or email.
These sessions are more focused on what need to know rather than simply what we would like to know. They’re there to challenge us and widen our eyes and ears to help improve our playing and musicianship. Be patient and diligently work through the material at home.