This series of short sessions are FREE and will look at a variety of subjects with a focus on providing ideas for warm-ups and general daily practice. The subjects will vary: exercises for both hands, the fretboard, strumming, chords (substitutions and changing cleanly between them), basic know-how, scales, basic rhythm, etc. The session plan is fluid based on requests from the previous session.
This session (#3) looks at exercises for co-ordinating, strengthening and adding dexterity to the hands.
#1 The Chromatic scale and the fretboard
#2 The major scale and its triads and changing between them
The idea behind these short sessions is to review technical aspects and recommend exercises that you can build into a daily routine.
Let’s assume the the fretting hand is LH and strumming hand is RH.
We all struggle with LH flexibility, stretching and general dexterity. Our RH sometimes has a mind of its own. And then getting the LH and RH to operate in unison is another level altogether. We’ll explore these issues which will help with both rhythm and lead playing.
Objective: to spell out practical exercises for you to build into your daily practice.
These sessions will be layered so that they’re of interest to, as well as push/stretch, beginner and intermediate players.
These sessions are short so don’t expect to master everything during the session. Pick up what you can during the session and we can look at going over things later.
At the moment, and because they’re FREE, these sessions are only for live attendance.
1. You want to join the live Zoom session.
You’ll receive the joining instructions on the day. Being live, you’ll be able to put your own questions directly to the tutor during the session. Choose option 1, Live lesson and materials.