Little & Often #7 Learn a Fingerpicking Tune

Our Little & Often  series looks at a variety of subjects with the objective of providing ideas for warm-ups and general daily practice.

This session (#7) we’ll look at a lovely fingerpicking tune which can be used to exercise technique in both hands as well as provide a nice response to “hey you play the guitar, give us a tune!”.

FOR BEGINNERS AND STRUGGLERS who don’t have a go-to piece to play. Don’t worry if you haven’t fingerpicked before.

What we’ll be covering?

The basic idea behind these sessions is to review technical aspects and recommend exercises that you can build into a daily routine. This current series of four sessions covers:

  • #5 Barre chords and Alternatives
  • #6 Staying on a chord
  • #7 Learn a fingerpicking tune
  • #8 Basic chord theory and naming chords


In this session (#7) we’ll be learning/fingerpicking a beautiful melody over a simple bass line.

We’ll look at:

  • Finger assignment for the picking hand and what fingers to use for picking which string.
  • As we go, we’ll review reading TAB as well as dos and don’ts for fingerpicking.
  • We’ll keep the rhythm simple so that we can focus on technique for both hands.
  • Arpeggiating (pick notes) or partial chord strums might feature.

Learning an easy tune that you can focus on and learn is brilliant answer to that age-old question, “you play guitar, give us a tune!”. Instead of playing some scales or random chord progression you can mull over the tune.

The tune depends on a few factors but it could cover semi-classical, rock or one of my concoctions.

The overall objective(s) of the sessions is to spell out practical exercises for you to build into your daily practice.



  • Lesson PDF.
  • A Zoom recording of the complete live session.

And maybe even some bonus materials for live attendees only.

Previous session materials are available to purchase on request (send an email).


Who’s this session suitable for?

These sessions will be layered so that they’re of interest to, as well as push/stretch, beginner and  struggling intermediate players.


Home practice

These sessions are short so don’t expect to master everything during the session. Pick up what you can during the session and we can look at going over things later.


Booking a place

When you book you’ll have two options:

1. You want to join this live Zoom session.

You’ll receive the joining instructions on the day. Being live, you’ll be able to put your own questions directly to the tutor during the session. Choose option 1, This live lesson and materials.

2. Maybe you’d like to attend but can’t make it on this occasion?

You can buy the materials and receive them after the session (i.e. lesson PDF(s) and access to a Zoom recording of the live session). Choose option 2, Materials only.

3. Buy all four sessions up-front for a 20% discount  (RECOMMENDED)

As with option 1, you’ll receive the joining instructions on the day.


Full Course Overview

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    Full Fee
    1. Live attendance
    2. Materials-only
    3. All four sessions (20% discount)

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    Bookings are no longer available for this event.