Soloing is a wonderful expressive art to have under your musical belt. Here we learn a complete super cool, slow solo in a major key based on Mark Knopfler’s inspiring theme of the film, Local Hero. You’ll learn the complete solo note for note. In addition you’ll gain an understanding of what scales work and what techniques to use allowing you to later add some improvisation of your own. The solo can played with either with a plectrum or fingers and is accessible to most players (even those new to soloing).
Playing a solo is a wonderful experience. Here we’re using Mark Knopfler’s theme of the film Local (Coming Home). It’s an awesome piece and very accessible to most players and a fantastic tune to have in your performance repertoire.
The solo is slow, melodic and absolutely cool and comes with a rhythm backing track. It’s an excellent starter for newcomers to the art of soloing and yet it will stetch accomplished players in getting that feel and tone!
We venture away from just using the pentatonic major scale and employ a wealth of techniques: slides, hammer-ons, pull-offs, vibrato, arpeggio patterns, bends, phrasing and much more.
It can be played with plectrum-only or with fingers (as Knopfler invariably does).
We’ll also provide a Prep PDF covering two positions of the D major scale and its relative minor, the B minor scale. In addition you’ll get a rhythm guitar backing track as well as a bonus (to be announced in the session).
If ever there was a tune that exemplifies the old adage of ‘music is not just about the notes but the silence in between’ then is the one. I defy you not to conjure up sandy shores on Scottish Isles when you listen to its litling Celtic undertones.
As ever, it’s not just about what you play but how you play it – techniques, hints and tips, guidance will abound in this lesson. The session is recorded and so you’ll be able to go through the detail over and over again.
Beginner+ to Intermediate and above acoustic and electric players.
You should be comfortable with either flat-picking with plectrum or using fingers (or both).
Something for everyone in this one and lots of materials to practise with.
Even with this being an extended session don’t expect to master everything during the session. The tutor will go through all the key parts, demonstrating them and discussing the associated techniques and know-how.
The real work is done by you afterwards. Armed with the materials (PDFs and video recording), you’ll have all the tools to work on things at your own pace.
When you book you’ll have two options:
1. You want to join the live Zoom session.
You’ll receive the joining instructions on the day. Being live, you’ll be able to put your own questions directly to the tutor during the session. Choose option 1, Lesson and materials.
2. Maybe you’d like to attend but can’t make it on this occasion?
You can buy the materials and receive them after the session (see description above). Choose option 2, Materials only.
These sessions are most suitable for intermediate players (i.e. maybe some barre chords, a tad of music theory/knowledge, etc.). But lightbulbs will be flashing for players of all standards as you pick up some great ideas and approaches.