Put simply, we’ll explore what you already know about playing bass and building on what you can play and what you know. It’s absolutely fine if your new to the bass, maybe trying it as a second instrument or an experienced player. Everyone in the group will be able to play together over the weekend in exercises and song projects and, importantly, all will pushed as far as you want to go!
The bass guitar is all about providing a steady rhythm and usually locks in more with the drummer more that the guitarist. Yes, you can play solos and chord progressions on the bass but its core function is setting down the groove.
This course is about putting all of the great things you already know (and whole bunch of things you’re yet to learn!) into practice.
The aim is to help you play great bass lines and enable you to apply what you’ve learned by playing some well-known songs.
We’ll cover a wealth of subjects such as: your set-up, RH and LH techniques, constructing and applying rhythmic bass lines over diatonic chord progressions using arpeggios and major/minor pentatonic scales, maybe some practical theory to help put everything into context, linking chords with a range of harmonic devices, adding complexity using more syncopated rhythm and longer harmonic fills. And, of course, learning great bass lines to classic songs.
As it’s a residential course we’ll have the opportunity to adapt the subjects and pace to suit the group and, at times, maybe go off-piste if the group wants to explore something interesting. The weekend is a bit of a bass guitar fest!
You’ll be challenged at just the right level that suits you, but pushed so that you come away from this hands-on course playing much more rhythmic and harmonically interesting bass lines.
We’ll put up some more informtation up about the songs nearer the time but they’ll likely include things like: Brown Eyed Girl, Take it Easy, All along the watchtower, Free Falling, Sweet Home Chicago, Hoochie Coochie Man, Desperado, The Chain, etc.
Course suitability
The course is perfect for players of all levels.
If you’re happy playing simple root note-based bass lines, prefer the comfort of using patterns & shapes, or if you’re desperate to escape all of the usual things you play and stretch out, this course is perfect.
Prep sheets are available on request.
Hand-outs will be provided as we go through weekend and after the course we’ll make available any supplementary PDFs, audio or video recordings that were made, backing tracks used, photos taken of the group and any useful flip chart diagrams.
Call us for a chat
If you’d like to know more, contact us and we can set up a call to go through: