Taking your bass lines to the next level

If you thought the bass lines of James Brown, Stevie Wonder, Queen, Motown, Cream, The Who and The Beatles, etc we’re sacred to the songs they came from, you’re wrong!

We look at how to take the bass lines you might already know and take them further.

Learned any good bass lines? Enjoyed playing them? Having fun? So what’s next….?

Our tutor, Keith Peberdy, will be looking at some well known hooks from iconic bass lines from the likes of James Brown, Stevie Wonder, Queen, Motown, Cream, The Who, The Beatles, etc. and show you how to take them and work on them away from their donor songs.

By doing this you’ll learn the important musical information from them you need to be able to apply it to your bass playing.

You will also look at some different ways of using those bass lines to help you come up with original bass lines of your own.


QUICK REMINDER of our residential Playing practical bass weekend course

We have a residential weekend course running on 5 – 7 Novemeber called Playing practical bass. This session will stand you in great stead for it. Also, we have the materials available for sale from our Boot Camp and Harmonic Layering courses from earlier this year. Get in touch if you’re interested to buy the full materials (PDFs, backing tracks, HD videos, etc.).


Course suitability

This session is aimed at intermediate players but beginner+ levels will also gain lots from it. Guidelines for what you should know are:

1. The notes on the fingerboard up to the 5th fret on each string. If
you can go beyond this, all the better.
2. C Major Scale – firstly the scale pattern, but also the names of the notes and their interval/place within the scale.
3. A root position major and minor chord arpeggios.


Includes PDFs.


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